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Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board (hereinafter called WB according to the German name “Wissenschaftlicher Beirat”) has the task to be mediator and connecting link between the IFF and the scientific actors of process engineering, animal feeding and compound-feed industry.
The WB has the purpose of cultivating contacts and cooperation with other scientific institutes at home and abroad. It furnishes expert opinions on research tasks as requested or required by members and gives suggestions and advice for the execution of work within the purposes of the Association. It assists the director of the institute in an advisory capacity in discharge of his duties.
The WB comprises at least 7 but not more than 15 persons.
Its members are: the chairman of the IFF and his two vice-chairmen. These appoint further persons from among the IFF members for 4 years. Reappointment is possible.
The WB is allowed to invite guests. Guests can be:
a) scientists active in the field of animal nutrition, feeding technique and technology of feed compounding, b) members of authorities and institutions, c) members of the IFF on request.
Meetings are presided by the chairman of the IFF or by one of his vice-chairmen. In the event of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
The current transactions of the WB are performed by the director of the institute.
The chairman of the IFF convenes the WB.