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Membership in the International Research Association of Feed Technology

85 companies from the field of machinery, compound feed and supplier industries in Germany and abroad belong to our circle of members. We always maintain close contct with our members. The research results we havew developed are quickly put into practice in order to meet the increasing demands and the constantly necessary adaptation to the development.
We are happy to pass on our knowledge and know-how to our member companies. The services offered by the research institute include among others in addition to the free consultation of member companies of the IFF in-house laboratory tests, processing technological investigations of additives, the working accuracy of production plants for compound feed and premixes as well as further industrial investigations such as mixing-time characteristics of mixers and safety assessments and the creation of explosion protection documents to support in the construction and documentation of management systems.
In addition to the actual research, the institute also carries out contract research for companies as well as training programmes for employees working in the machinery, compound feed and supply industries.
For members of the International Research Association Feed Technology, we can offer separate conditions for the entire range of services. Membership of the International Research Association Feed Technology offers your company a detailed insight into the current research activities of the IFF as well as the opportunity to actively shape them through their own ideas and problems. The regular seminars and continuing education events provide a broad platform for communicating and exchanging the latest information and research results.
Any company interested in practical joint research can apply for membership in the International Research Association Feed Technology.
The General Manager of IFF, Mr. Blume, is glad to give you further information.
Dipl.-Verwaltungswirt Rolf-Michael Blume
Phone: +49 (0) 5307 / 92 22-0