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With the help of the Braunschweig University Association of the Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina in Braunschweig, the first financial difficulties can be overcome. In addition, the “Hochschulbund” takes over the responsible task of the administration „Third Party Funds“. The „IFF Information Service“ appears for the first time; until 2006, the magazine informs the members on a regular basis with new dates for course events or the status of ongoing research projects. The IFF-affiliated research institute is also looking for suitable premises to set up a research facility.
The abandoned mill building „Frickenmühle“ in Braunschweig-Thune is being leased to set up the research institute. Concerns that the building was too old and therefore would involve very high costs for the installation of plants, prove to be unfounded. To carry out the intended research projects, members of the IFF provide the first machines and units. Initially, the institute is housed only in the three-storey mill building. The first research programme „Pelletizing Compound Feed“ begins. The funding is provided by the state of Lower Saxony.
The IFF becomes a member of the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations, (AiF). It begins to promote research in the field of feed technology and its foundations with funding from the Federal Ministry of Economics via the AiF. There will also be a first lecture event of the IFF in the premises of the German Milling School in Braunschweig. Conversion work on the former storage and engine house resulted in two laboratories, a library room and three study rooms, the workshop and a small seminar room.
The office of the IFF, formerly housed in the former Institute of Mills at the Technical University of Braunschweig, is moved to Thune in the Frickenmühle. For technical and scientific executives seminars are now offered. Collaboration with animal nutrition and feed science institutes is started.
On behalf of the German Agricultural Society (DLG), the Research Institute carries out the technical assessment of applicant power plants for the DLG quality label. The residential building adjoining the mill building is being leased and set up to use the office and technical center. This freed up spaces in the former warehouse building is used to expand the laboratory.
A first contact to the International Trade Fair Feed Technology VICTAM in the Netherlands takes place. There is a lecture event of the research institute on the occasion of VICTAM 1967.
For the expansion of the experimental station, a new technical centre with heat treatment and pressing facilities will be set up.
The „IFF Information Service“ is being expanded and now there are ongoing reports to the members from the activities of the Research Institute. The IFF is also represented at VICTAM 1969 with an information booth.