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At the start of the new decade, working groups of current research topics will be formed together with employees of individual companies. The results should be presented to the members in an IFF report. In order to integrate the administration into the old stable building and to adapt the training centre to the future challenges, a fundamental renovation of the premises is required.
Several working groups are founded: „The pelleting of compound feed“ and „Quality assurance in the compound-feed industry“. The IFF participates in the exhibition “Harz + Heide” and is represented at the booth „In Braunschweig is the research at home“. The training centre is further expanded.
The IFF Institute participates in the Hannover Fair 1982 at the AiF booth „Research and Technology Market“. For the 20th anniversary of the IFF, a lecture with the topic „The importance of research of the IFF institute for the machine and compound-feed industry and for the progress in animal nutrition“ will be offered. The owner of the property „Frickenmühle“ submits a purchase offer for the property with buildings to the IFF. In a resolution of the general meeting, the purchase of the Frickenmühle, including 11,000 m² of land, is noted by donation of an additional annual contribution and reversal of the reserve.
The „Frickenmühle“ becomes the property of the IFF. The course „Processing and crushing technology in the compound-feed industry“ takes place.
The first IFF Report „The pelleting of compound feed“ is published.
Another working group with the topic „Measuring, controlling, regulating, automating in the compound feed industry“ is being set up. In the field of NIR measuring technology (infrared reflection spectroscopy), a cooperation with the institute for „Cereals, Flour and Bread TNO/Wageningen“ in the Netherlands arises. The second IFF Report „Quality assurance in the compound feed industry“ is published.
1986 / 25 years IFF
The IFF is a recognized measuring station for dust emission measurements. The third IFF Report „Research Results – Summary of Publications“ is published. For the first time at the international trade fair VICTAM 1986, the reports „The pelleting of compound feed“ and „Quality assurance in the compound-feed industry“ are published in English. In addition, the first report is also translated into Dutch. The IFF will be represented at VICTAM with an information stand. The IFF participates for the second time in the specialized market „Research and Technology“ of the Hannover Messe. The AiF member associations present their development work, including the IFF. The first meeting of the working group „Measurement, control, regulation, automation in the compound-feed industry“ takes place.
A new course with the topic „Measuring, control, regulation, automation in the compound-feed industry“ is offered. The facade of the west side of the mill building is covered.