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Membership Structure of the IFF
Currently, about 80 national and international companies as well as associations and organisations are members of the IFF. The mainly small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) come from 21 European countries. The compound-feed industry, additive and premixture producers, the relevant machinery and plant industry, the producers of measuring instrumentation as well as companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries belong to the promoters of the IFF, but also associations and organisations that are active in these sectors. Furthermore, the IFF gets support in the form of material and appliances provided by industry.
The executive bodies of the IFF
Members‘ Meeting
Scientific Advisory Board
Working Groups

Working fields of the IFF
Membership work
Cooperative research work
Public relations
SME oriented industrial cooperative research
Industrial cooperative research financed by the industry
Contract research with industry partners of different trade branches
Executive seminars
Job-related training and further training
Services and consultation for members and non-members.
Financing of the IFF
According to self-assessment the members pay a yearly contribution oriented to their production. This includes basically the acquisition of publications and consultations. In addition, members receive a considerable reduction on services and consultations as well as course and seminar fees. Additional income is compiled by the comprehensive service offer in collaboration with the industry. Other funds are made available from the public support of projects of the industrial cooperative research by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology via the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF). Condition for this public support is that the IFF proves the use of industrial own contributions for the cooperative research at an adequate amount (modified interest financing).