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How to use energy in a resource-saving way is not just an issue now. In politics and media, much has been and is being discussed about the future of energy supply. Most of the practical implementation in the companies has already taken place.
Anyone who has applied for special benefits through the special compensation scheme pursuant to §§ 40 et seq. of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) must provide certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 or EMAS.
The introduction of an energy and environmental management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 or EMAS also had to start from 2013 onwards for the peak compensation under the Energy and Electricity Tax Act, and the introduction of this system must be completed.

For companies in the manufacturing industry who want to continue to benefit from these benefits, it is mandatory to comply with DIN EN ISO 50001 and its requirements. Anyone who is not well-organized in this area could get in trouble with the certification and risk substantial additional costs!
The European Energy Efficiency Act (EED 2012/27 / EU, EDL-G) requires larger companies to
1. to carry out an energy audit by 5 December 2015, and
2. to carry out another energy audit at least every four years from the date of the first energy audit.

The IFF offers advice on the introduction and use of the systems DIN EN ISO 50001 and DIN EN 16247 in your company.
Furthermore, we offer the implementation of the annual review audits or advice on energy saving options by changing process parameters, benchmarking and funding opportunities.
Many animal feed manufacturers have already introduced the energy management system (ENMS) DIN EN ISO 50001 or alternatively an energy audit according to DIN EN 16247, but it is often forgotten in everyday working life that such a concept requires regular care and revision. If the devices and systems or the energy sources change, the EnM concept must be adapted to the new conditions.
The IFF offers extensive support in the review of your existing EnMS or in the introduction of an EnMS or audit for your new feed factory.

Specific in-house training on energy management in your company or at our location in Braunschweig-Thune is also possible.
Our employee Dr. Böschen advises you gladly!