Workshop „Fundamentals of explosion protection for qualified persons“

In mills and compound-feed plants, the occurrence of explosive dust-air mixtures is to be expected with varying probability. This means that they must be counted among the systems requiring monitoring.

For the first time, installations requiring monitoring must be inspected prior to commissioning, after a major change and recurrently on the basis of the Industrial Safety Ordinance (in German short: BetrSichV).
The examination by qualified persons is possible. The requirements for the qualification of persons are laid down in the Industrial Safety Ordinance and must be taken into account by the employer when selecting and ordering them.

In our workshop, you will be taught basic knowledge of dust explosion protection, which you must prove to be a „qualified person“ for the testing of electrical and mechanical equipment in accordance with BetrSichV Annex 2 Section 3, No. 5.2.

Target group:

Employees from companies who, as qualified persons, carry out tests on devices and protective systems in potentially explosive areas, occupational safety specialists, those responsible for explosion protection and other interested parties.

Legal basis for explosion protection
Legal basis for the operation of plants
Legal basis for the condition of work equipment
The qualified person in the explosion protection

The integrated explosion protection concept
Measures to avoid explosive dust-air mixtures
Ignition sources and their prevention
Fundamentals of constructive explosion protection

Definition and documentation
Testing protection systems for safe operation
Testing electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres
Testing of mechanical equipment for safe operation
Final discussion and exchange of experience